Klayout is an open source layout viewer and editor. In gdsfactory code driven flow you define your components, circuits and reticles in python or YAML code.
For rapid iteration, gdsfactory comes with a Klayout macro klive
that runs inside klayout, so that when you run component.show()
in python, it displays your GDS in Klayout.

You can install the klayout klive plugin to be able to see live updates on your GDS files:

You can install the klayout generic pdk (layermap and DRC) in 2 ways:
- from the terminal by typing
gf install klayout-genericpdk
after installing gdsfactorypip install gdsfactory
- using KLayout package manager (see image below), Tools --> Manage Packages

What does the klayout generic tech installs?
- generic layermap: for the generic gdsfactory technology.
- generic DRC: for generic gdsfactory technology