
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles

by Steven Pressfield

The Unlived Life

Book One: Resistance

Resistance’s Greatest Hits

Resistance is Invisible

Resistance is Internal

Resistance is Implacable

Resistance is Infallible

Resistance is Universal

Resistance Never Sleeps

Resistance Plays for Keeps

Resistance is Fueled by Fear

Resistance Only Opposes in One Direction

Resistance is Most Powerful at the Finish Line

Resistance Recruits Allies

Resistance and Procrastination

Resistance and Procrastination, Part Two

Resistance and Sex

Resistance and Trouble

Resistance and Self-Dramatization

Resistance and Victimhood

Resistance and the Choice of a Mate

Resistance and Unhappiness

Resistance and Fundamentalism

Resistance and Criticism

Resistance and Self-Doubt

Resistance and Fear

Resistance and Love

Resistance and Being a Star

Resistance and Isolation

Resistance and Isolation, Part Two

Resistance and Healing

Resistance and Support

Resistance and Rationalization

Resistance and Rationalization, Part Two

Resistance Can Be Beaten

Book Two: Combating Resistance

Professionals and Amateurs

A Professional

What a Writer’s Day Feels Like

How to Be Miserable

We’re All Pros Already

For Love of the Game

A Professional is Patient

A Professional Seeks Order

A Professional Demystifies

A Professional Acts in the Face of Fear

A Professional Accepts No Excuses

A Professional Plays It as It Lays

A Professional is Prepared

A Professional Dedicates Himself to Mastering Technique

A Professional Does Not Hesitate to Ask for Help

The Professional Distances Herself from Her Instrument

A Professional Does Not Take Failure (Or Success) Personally

A Professional Endures Adversity

A Professional Self-Validates

A Professional Recognizes Her Limitations

A Professional Reinvents Himself

You, Inc.

A Critter That Keeps Coming

No Mystery

Book Three: Beyond Resistance

Angels in the Abstract

Approaching the Mystery

Invoking the Muse, Part Two

Testament of a Visionary

Invoking the Muse, Part Three

The Magic of Making a Start

The Magic of Keeping Going

Life and Death

The Ego and the Self

Experiencing the Self


The Authentic Self

Territory Versus Hierarchy

The Hierarchical Orientation

The Artist and the Hierarchy

The Definition of a Hack

The Territorial Orientation

The Artist and the Territory

The Difference Between Territory and Hierarchy

The Supreme Virtue

The Fruits of Our Labor

The Artist’s Life