
The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development

by Chad Fowler


Failure Is Off The Radar!

You Own It

Part 1: Choosing Your Market

Tip 1: Lead or Bleed?

Tip 2: Supply and Demand

Tip 3: Coding Don’t Cut It Anymore

Tip 4: Be the Worst

Tip 5: Invest in Your Intelligence

Tip 6: Don’t Listen to Your Parents

Tip 7: Be a Generalist

Tip 8: Be a Specialist

Tip 9: Don’t Put All Your Eggs in Someone Else’s Basket

Tip 10: Love It or Leave It

Part 2: Investing in Your Product

Tip 11: Learn to Fish

Tip 12: Learn How Businesses Really Work

Tip 13: Find a Mentor

Tip 14: Be a Mentor

Tip 15: Practice, Practice, Practice

Tip 16: The Way That You Do It

Tip 17: On the Shoulders of Giants

Tip 18: Automate Yourself into a Job

Part 3: Executing

Tip 19: Right Now

Tip 20: Mind Reader

Tip 21: Daily Hit

Tip 22: Remember Who You Work For

Tip 23: Be Where You’re At

Tip 24: How Good a Job Can I Do Today?

Tip 25: How Much Are You Worth?

Tip 26: A Pebble in a Bucket of Water

Tip 27: Learn to Love Maintenance

Tip 28: Eight-Hour Burn

Tip 29: Learn How to Fail

Tip 30: Say “No”

Tip 31: Don’t Panic

Tip 32: Say It, Do It, Show It

Part 4: Executing

Tip 33: Perceptions, Perschmeptions

Tip 34: Adventure Tour Guide

Tip 35: Me Rite Reel Nice

Tip 36: Being Present

Tip 37: Suit Speak

Tip 38: Change the World

Tip 39: Let Your Voice Be Heard

Tip 40: Build Your Brand

Tip 41: Release Your Code

Tip 42: Remarkability

Tip 43: Making the Hang

Part 5: Maintaining Your Edge

Tip 44: Already Obsolete

Tip 45: You’ve Already Lost Your Job

Tip 46: Path with No Destination

Tip 47: Make Yourself a Map

Tip 48: Watch the Market

Tip 49: That Fat Man in the Mirror

Tip 50: The South Indian Monkey Trap

Tip 51: Avoid Waterfall Career Planning

Tip 52: Better Than Yesterday

Tip 53: Go Independent