
Rocket Surgery Made Easy

by Steve Krug

I, Michael Parker, own this book and took these notes to further my own learning. If you enjoy these notes, please purchase the book!

Chapter 1: What DIY Testing Is

Chapter 3: A Plan You Can Follow

Chapter 4: The Hardest Part Is Starting Early Enough

Chapter 5: Who To Test And How To Find Them

Chapter 6: Picking Tasks And Writing Scenarios

Chapter 7: Why You Should Use Boring Checklists

Chapter 8: Conducting The Test Session

Chapter 9: What Observers Should Look For

Chapter 10: Comparing Notes And Deciding What To Fix

Chapter 11: Why Doing Less Is The Best Way To Fix Things

Chapter 12: Common Problems And How To Fix Them

Chapter 13: Playing Nicely With Others

Chapter 14: Remote Testing