
Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

by Michael Lopp

The Management Quiver

1. Don’t Be a Prick

2. Managers Are Not Evil

3. Stables and Volatiles

4. The Rands Test

5. How to Run a Meeting

6. The Twinge

7. The Update, the Vent, and the Disaster

8. The Monday Freakout

9. Lost in Translation

10. Agenda Detection

11. Dissecting the Mandate

12. Information Starvation

13. Subtlety, Subterfuge, and Silence

14. Managementese

15. You’re Not Listening

16. Fred Hates the Off-Site

17. A Different Kind of DNA

18. An Engineering Mindset

19. Tear It Down

20. Titles Are Toxic

21. Saying No

Part II: The Process is the Product

22. 1.0

23. The Process Myth

24. How to Start

25. Taking Time to Think

26. The Value of the Soak

27. Capturing Context

28. Trickle Theory

29. When the Sky Falls

30. Hacking is Important

31. Entropy Crushers

Part III: Versions of You

32. Bored People Quit