
Finance and capital markets

Interest and debt

Compound interest basics

Interest basics

Credit cards and loans

Continuous compound interest and e

Present value

Personal bankruptcy


Inflation basics

Inflation scenarios

Real and nominal return

Capacity utilization and inflation

Stocks and bonds

Introduction to stocks

What it means to buy a company’s stock

Bonds vs. stocks

Shorting stock

Basic shorting

Shorting stock

Shorting stock 2

Is short selling bad?

Understanding company statements and capital structure

Gross and operating profit

Basic capital structure differences

Market capitalization

Market value of assets


Corporate debt versus traditional mortgages

Introduction to bonds

Introduction to the yield curve

Relationship between bond prices and interest rates

Treasury bond prices and yields

Annual interest varying with debt maturity

The yield curve

Investment vehicles, insurance, and retirement

Mutual funds and ETFs

Open-ended mutual fund (part 1)

Open-end mutual fund redemptions (part 2)

Closed-end mutual funds

Exchange traded funds (ETFs)

Ponzi scheme

Retirement accounts: IRAs and 401ks

Traditional IRAs

Roth IRAs


Hedge funds

Hedge funds intro

Hedge fund structure and fees

Are hedge funds bad?

Hedge funds, venture capital, and private equity

Hedge fund strategies: Long short 1

Hedge fund strategies: Long short 2

Hedge fund strategies: Merger arbitrage

Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives

Put and call options

American call options

American put options

Call option as leverage

Put vs. short and leverage

Call payoff diagram

Put as insurance

Put-call parity

Arbitrage basics

Put-call parity arbitrage I

Option expiration and price