
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

by Roger Fisher and William Ury


Ch 1: Don’t Bargain Over Positions

Arguing over position produces unwise outcomes
Other dangers of positional arguments
Being nice is no answer
There is an alternative

Ch 2: Separate the People from the Problem

Negotiators are people first
Two kinds of interests: the substance and the relationship
Disentangle the two; deal directly with the people problem
Prevention works best

Ch 3: Focus on Interests, Not Positions

For a wise solution reconcile interests, not positions
How do you identify interests?
Talking about interests

Ch 4: Invent Options for Mutual Gain

Premature judgment
Searching for a single answer
Thinking that “solving their problem is their problem”
Separating inventing from deciding
Consider brainstorming with the other side
Broaden your options
Looking for mutual gain
Make their decision easy

Ch 5: Insist on Using Objective Criteria

The case for using objective criteria
Developing objective criteria
Negotiating with objective criteria

Ch 6: What If They Are More Powerful?

Protecting Yourself
Making the most of your assets

Ch 7: What If They Won’t Play?

Negotiation jujitsu
Consider the one-text procedure

Ch 8: What If They Use Dirty Tricks?

How do you negotiate about the rules of the game?
Some common tricky tactics
Deliberate deception
Psychological warfare
Personal pressure tactics