
Don’t Make Me Think

by Steven Krug

I, Michael Parker, own this book and took these notes to further my own learning. If you enjoy these notes, please purchase the book!

Chapter 1: Don’t make me think!

Chapter 2: How we really use the web

Chapter 3: Billboard Design 101

Chapter 4: Animal, vegetable, or mineral?

Chapter 5: Omit needless words

Chapter 6: Street signs and Breadcrumbs

Chapter 7: The first step to recovery is admitting that the Home page is beyond your control

Chapter 8: “The Farmer and the Cowman Should Be Friends”

Chapter 9: Usability testing on 10 cents a day

Chapter 10: Usability as a common courtesy

Chapter 11: Accessibility, Cascading Style Sheets, and You

Chapter 12: Help! My boss wants me to ___.