
The 10 pillars of wealth by Alex Becker

1. Rejecting the idea of becoming rich slowly

Most people think of entrepreneurs as crazy, risky people while entrepreneurs think of regular people as crazy because they spend 75% of their life commuting to a job that most times do not love and do not give them much.

Alex explains that what most people call the safe approach to your career is pretty risky and has low reward. Most people work 9am to 5pm jobs that they don’t really love and where they don’t get paid much.

On the other hand entrepreneurs just need to get the becoming a millionaire formula right once and then can enjoy their rest of their life. He explains that building your own company requires had work, focus and doing the right things that he explains in latter chapters.

2. Separating time from yourself

Alex explains why you have to make sure that you are not the limiting factor for your business.

For example, if you the main part of your business, as your business grows your demands will grow, so it is not a sustainable strategy.

However if you automate your business (with software) or hire the employees you can then focus on improving your business instead of just operating it.

3. Accepting that you have to be the best one at what you do

You have to accept that 99% entrepreneurs fail. So you have to keep trying to be the best at what you do

4. knowing every little thing is 100% your fault