
I reccommend that you go over the jupyter notebooks / colab and play beyond.

Some questions that you can answer while doing the work are on each chapter, you can check the solutions here


Ipython is a wonderful way to write new code interactively. I also usually have a text editor (VIM) and Ipython window open in paralell.

Command Purpose
run run script
? shows docstrings
?? shows full code
whos shows variables in memory

2. Numpy

Numpy arrays provide you with C-like speed for numerical operations

3. Pandas

The Pandas library provides efficient storage and manipulation of dense type arrays in python.

You can define a pandas dataframe as:


4. Matplotlib

Matplotlib is a plotting library that was made as a Matlab alternative

you can use a nicer style with axis style'seaborn-white')'seaborn-whitegrid') # add grid by default

you can also plot error bars

plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=dy, fmt='.k');

As well as 3D data in 2D plots using

plt.contour, plt.contourf, and plt.imshow

Seaborn makes some nicer plots that matplotlib

import seaborn as sns sns.set()

5. Machine learning with Scikit-Learn